Hi all
As May begins, our Parishioners have been keeping active in the lockdown, as follows!
Anne Lewis keeping up with all her interests: Italian, ballet, cookery, walking, gardening AND completing the data entry for the parish census. |
Viv Jones walks on the Hills most days with her special friend, Alan. This photo was taken during a recent walk to the bluebells. |
Sam Craig’s pumpkins and courgette seedlings. |
Doug Craig fixing the guinea pig’s run. |
Chris Burger out walking. |
Liz Burger reading amongst the azaleas and acers. |
Liz Burger digging in the vegetable garden. |
Ruth Harrison moved house recently and the garden was in need of some TLC. |
Fortunately, Ruth’s mother, Janet Williams, is living with Ruth and is a wonderful gardener. |
Catherine Craig’s picture from a walk to the Bluebells. |
The beginnings of Carol Ann’s Marian garden: “I cleared the bottom of a tree stump and found this hole, so put my statue of Our Lady there. I'm going to put plants with Marian names there as much as possible... Once I can source them! |
Sam Craig made a cake using a recipe from a lockdown recipe swap. This is Mrs Fieldhouse’s Boiled Fruitcake. |
And this is the fruit cake 30 minutes after asking the family if anyone would like some cake. It didn’t last the afternoon! |
Oliver Wood walked a mile dressed as an astronaut, to raise money for the Scouts hike to the moon campaign for The Big Night In. He raised £80. |
The Wood family decorated their fence for Malvern Well Dressing (info as above). They have had lots of positive comments from our neighbours. |
The Wood family's well dressing. |
And more of the Wood family well dressing. |
Amelia Morgans also made a well dressing on the theme of Yellow Submarine. |
And the Morgans family have been discovering many new walks... |
...In the surrounding... |
...Countryside, as well as... |
...Playing basketball in the drive! |
St Joseph's children celebrating VE Day with a Street Party... |
VE Day Street Party. |
VE Day Street Party. |
VE Day Street Party. |
Mary Williams enjoying a birthday tea from the Blue Bird Tea Rooms sent to her by her bookgroup. |