Preparation for Baptism:
Baptism is the first and most important sacrament we receive because in this, we receive the grace (power) to live in and with Jesus Christ. In order that parents are prepared for their children's baptism, preparation will happen in small groups after Mass on Sunday mornings. There are two sessions which are arranged about two weeks apart. It is important that both parents to attend, (even if one is not a Catholic) as bringing up a child to know and love Jesus Christ is primarily the responsibility of the whole family. Guidance on this is given during the session. Adults and older children who require preparation will receive a different format of preparation, suited to the individual needs of the person(s) asking. The application for Baptism is linked here.
Preparation for the Sacraments of First Forgiveness (Reconciliation):
The Sacrament of First Forgiveness (Reconciliation) is a beautiful Sacrament whereby we can learn to repent of our wrongdoing (sins) and receive God’s forgiveness, and the grace (strength) to resist temptation in the future. Preparation for this Sacrament begins in the autumn each year. The application form for this is linked here.
Preparation for First Holy Communion:
Receiving the Eucharist, Our Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, is the most wonderful gift we have after Baptism. Preparation for this Sacrament follows on directly from the preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Parents of children aged 7 years or above in the September are welcome to register their children for the double programme in the summer, to start in the following autumn. Please look out for notices in the weekly bulletin and on this website. If your child is approaching this age, please bring him/her to Mass regularly as this is in effect the best thing you can do for them.
For all enquiries for preparation for any of the sacraments, please apply to the parish office in the first instance. The application form for this is linked here.