Gift aid operates in this Parish. The greater part of the Parish's regular giving comes within its embrace. The purpose of the gift aid scheme is two-fold. Firstly it provides a channel through which regular giving is encouraged and formalised. There are two primary forms that are available. The first is the weekly giving of cash through an envelope scheme. An annual supply of envelopes is given to every person who registers as wanting them and these are returned each week with the offering. The second method is by monthly standing order and is achieved by filling in a simple form.
The secondary purpose of the scheme is tax relief. If one of the methods mentioned above is used, this can be processed by the Parish in such a way that it provides an audit trail that satisfies the requirements of the Taxation Authorities. Provided the donor is a taxpayer, the Government will increase the giving by 25% at today's rates of tax. In excess of £10,000 a year is received in this way and the parish would be impoverished without it.
The Parish would like to encourage as many of its parishioners as possible to join the gift aid scheme. The organiser is David Rank (tel: 01684 563 784). If you would like more information, please contact him.